Posted 2011-06-09 7:25 PM (#134725) Subject: Adding assisting spring to ramp
Posts: 122
Location: Grant Twp., MI
Hi - I have a 4 Star trailer with a full size is very heavy and difficult for this little gal to raise - I had a Sundowner and somehow - it was spring assisted and was easy to use....any ideas? It latches on both sides (which is also inconvenient) - the other ramp latched in the middle...any advice would help. (The ramp was installed by a 4 Star Dealer)
Posted 2011-06-10 7:26 AM (#134735 - in reply to #134725) Subject: RE: Adding assisting spring to ramp
Location: Central Arkansas
Paul nailed this one! I have a ramp that seemed heavy that just needed the assist springs adjusted. It is a full ramp over full doors on the back of a 4 Star. My Bloomer ramp, which has more springs on it than the 4 Star, ramp is light as a feather and doesn't even touch the ground until you step on it. Maybe your springs have loss their tension or are not working together.
Posted 2011-06-10 7:58 AM (#134736 - in reply to #134725) Subject: RE: Adding assisting spring to ramp
Posts: 3802
Location: Rocky Mount N.C.
Originally written by Judy K on 2011-06-09 7:25 PM
Hi - I have a 4 Star trailer with a full size is very heavy and difficult for this little gal to raise - I had a Sundowner and somehow - it was spring assisted and was easy to use....any ideas? It latches on both sides (which is also inconvenient) - the other ramp latched in the middle...any advice would help. (The ramp was installed by a 4 Star Dealer)
Take it back to the dealer, have them make it right.... My 4 Star has a 5' high x 7' wide ramp with 5 assist springs, I can lift it and latch it while operating a manual wheelchair. Wife can lift and close it with one hand. My side ramp on the 4 Star and both ramps on my Gore will almost close themselves... I keep the ramps closed when not in use to keep tension off the springs.