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Air bags on Truck needed ????

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Last activity 2011-02-28 11:05 AM
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Reg. Feb 2011
Posted 2011-02-24 6:13 PM (#130742)
Subject: Air bags on Truck needed ????

New User

Posts: 2

Location: Kentucky

I am about to drive 10 hours one way to pick up our new trailer. I have an F-350 diesel dually 4x4. The trailer is a 4H Sundowner with 10' sw LQ and weighs 17,000 #. Dealer says I do not need air bags on the truck to pull this weight. Two others who have the same truck and similar weight trailers say I will need them, as the weight will push the truck onto the axel. Air bags are around $1000. so a big expense. However, I don't want to be stranded out of state for a couple of days searching for someone to have them instock that can put them on in order to get back home.


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Reg. Aug 2007
Posted 2011-02-24 6:22 PM (#130743 - in reply to #130742)
Subject: RE: Air bags on Truck needed ????


Posts: 5870
Location: western PA

Another option is to install Timbren "springs". They will prevent your truck from squatting, improve the loaded ride and are maintenance free. They cost a ~third of your quoted price installed.

If you perform a search for the last year, you will find many threads concerning their use

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Reg. Mar 2010
Posted 2011-02-24 6:24 PM (#130744 - in reply to #130742)
Subject: RE: Air bags on Truck needed ????

Extreme Veteran

Posts: 342
Location: Ohio
17000 seems like a way high weight for that trailer. Maybe they're giving you the GVWR of the trailer? But you could go with Timbren SES system. They are about 200 bucks and much easier to install. I have them on my 250 and don't notice them at all. They're a cheaper no-hassle alternative to bags.

However, I don't think you'll need anything.
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Reg. Sep 2008
Posted 2011-02-24 9:52 PM (#130761 - in reply to #130742)
Subject: RE: Air bags on Truck needed ????


Posts: 1351
Location: Decatur, Texas
Originally written by windridgefarm on 2011-02-24 6:13 PM

I am about to drive 10 hours one way to pick up our new trailer. I have an F-350 diesel dually 4x4. The trailer is a 4H Sundowner with 10' sw LQ and weighs 17,000 #. Dealer says I do not need air bags on the truck to pull this weight. Two others who have the same truck and similar weight trailers say I will need them, as the weight will push the truck onto the axel. Air bags are around $1000. so a big expense. However, I don't want to be stranded out of state for a couple of days searching for someone to have them instock that can put them on in order to get back home.


First off I would check the weight of the trailer.....  17-Klbs for a 10'SW 4 horse trailer is WRONG and your dealer needs to do some research!  Ours is a 10'SW 3 horse with tons of extras and it is just under 10-klbs......Good friends of ours that shoot with us have the same trailer as ours in a 4 horse and they use a 1 -ton Dodge with no bags and I just called them and the empty weight of theirs is just under 11-klbs.

Firestone type airbags are a great value.  But for a $1000. you can buy 2 sets down here unless you are getting the pump with it then it would cost you around $600 to 700 total.

But still depends on the trailer weight, if that trailer is 17-klbs by the time you add horses and equipment you will  not have enough truck for the trailer much less be able to stop it!

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Reg. Oct 2010
Posted 2011-02-24 10:36 PM (#130764 - in reply to #130742)
Subject: RE: Air bags on Truck needed ????


Posts: 264
Location: Sumas Washington

You can buy a pair of PacBrake airbags for about $300.  With the simpld kit you have to air the bags at a filling station.  Not a big deal.   I really like the adjustability of air bags.  You can adjust for the load.  

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Reg. Nov 2007
Posted 2011-02-24 11:37 PM (#130767 - in reply to #130742)
Subject: RE: Air bags on Truck needed ????

Elite Veteran

Posts: 714
Location: Minnesota
I bought the Firestones for $240 on line. Had my mechanic install them for $60. I didn't get the compressor kit. I inflate at home, but carry a portable compressor that runs on 12v if I want to increase the lift. I have a F350 Crewcab SRW long box and pulling an Elite 3H 12 LQ that weighs 14,000 lbs. Before the Firestones I never came close to bottoming out. I installed them to even out the load and get better front tire adhesion to the road. I would drop about 4 1/2".
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Reg. Jun 2006
Posted 2011-02-25 7:15 AM (#130776 - in reply to #130742)
Subject: RE: Air bags on Truck needed ????

Location: Central Arkansas
If it has a slide out, it will be tongue heavy.You WILL need something extra if thats the case. I had a 98 Sundowner 3H MT 13' LQ that I had bought new in 98.I pulled it with a 98 Dodge 4x4 dually. I had the old plate style ball that had the fold down in the center. We had to replace the fold down ball, twice, in 3 years. Plus, under the larger plate, all the "ribs" in the bed were flat! In hindsight, we should have done airbags after the first ball replacement. A riding buddy of ours had the same truck, trailer, and load but chose to put the airbags on after she replaced her fold down ball the first time. She didn't need to replace it the second time like we did. We hauled approx. the same mileage on the same roads with close to the same load.
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Reg. Sep 2010
Posted 2011-02-28 11:05 AM (#130879 - in reply to #130742)
Subject: RE: Air bags on Truck needed ????


Posts: 10

My F350 (SRW) squatted when we picked up our new-to-us trailer last october.

after driving home with it (it was ok to drive) we ended up buying the firestone bags and put them on. The price you were quoted to put them on seems high- even for a DRW truck.



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