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S & H Trailer Remodel

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Last activity 2011-01-25 10:58 PM
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Reg. Aug 2010
Posted 2011-01-25 10:58 PM (#129283)
Subject: S & H Trailer Remodel


Posts: 30
I took my first steps toward my trailer remodel this week. I decided where I eventually wanted stuff (harder than it sounds). Since removing my saddle racks totally was not an option, I had to pick a place to move them or just leave them. In my few months of using my trailer. Stepping in and up to the saddle racks was a PAIN! So I decided to move them to just inside the door to the left and square off the corner slightly. Wasted space unless I built a really difficult to make cabinet. Thanks to a local welding shop, I made the following changes. #1- Removed Bridle rack -it was too big and bulky. Would be extremely hard to wall over later. Plus I can put some pretty western styled racks in later that are a bit more decorative.#2- Removed blanket rack- Never had one before and never really needed one. I always flip my pad upside down over the top of my saddle if it is damp so it dries better. #3- Moved the saddle rack to just inside the door and had it elevated to fit a small mini fridge under it. I'm not going to live in the camper, but will sure plug in when I can to chill a few drinks down. No special cabinet for it to go in, just moved the rack and will add wall material at a later date. Next step (this weekend) is to add electricity. The fuse box will be placed on the wall leading up to the bed area. On the left side maybe just below mid level. I am going to build my custom cabinet over here on the 2 ft shortwall eventually. Next week- spray foam insulation everywhere! And then putting in a laminate floor really quick! Good thing I am a pro at that! Then I will be in tip top shape to spend a weekend in it at a barrel race clinic. All I need is my portable electric heater, down comforter, down filled mattress pad (over top of the fold out couch mattress that fits PERFECTLY in the nose of my trailer! Plus a heated throw blanket. My next step after my trip will be to find me some low nap carpet and install in the nose of the trailer. Do you suggest carpet tape to keep it held down? Or a more permanent adhesive? I don't really know how to make the carpet stay. Tack strips seem a little ouchy potentially and overkill. My first wall covering install will be on the bed wall to the floor. Seems the easiest spot to learn and I can provide a finished look where it meets the carpet with some molding. TV- will eventually take the place of pride on the wall adjacent from the bed. Might put a mini shelf in for my nintendo Wii and watch hulu when I have a wireless signal.Suggestions please- On my shortwall, I thought about making a cabinet that goes up top also and putting a nice under cabinet light in over the tiny sink I might install later. Might put a small microwave up there. Don't know yet.
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